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- F L E X C A T
- ========================================================================
- The ultimate catalog processor and source generator
- by Jochen Wiedmann and Marcin Orlowski
- e-mail: carlos@amiga.com.pl WWW: http://amiga.com.pl/flexcat/
- ========================================================================
- * v2.1 (11.10.98) - New source descriptor for E programmers (E32e.sd)
- by Sven Steiniger <ss37@irz301.inf.tu-dresden.de>
- Fixed problem C:Version had with FlexCat (due
- to many internal $VERsion strings, THAT one, wasn't
- first the one in the executable file).
- SDDIR path defined in FlexCat.prefs was always
- ignored. Fixed (Magnus Holmgren).
- Improved FLUSH function. Now it flushes catalogs
- only (Magnus Holmgren).
- Source code released - See source readme file for
- more details
- * v2.0 (25.02.98) - Unfortunately, 2.0 does not mean the break thru
- technologies implemented here. It is just the next
- version numer FlexCat should have...
- Added a workaround for problems some people may
- encounter while creating catalogs for languages
- with corrupted converstion table (part of #?.language
- file). FlexCat uses utility.library function to convert
- ##language name to lowercase, which leads to
- wrong strings with e.g. czech environment.
- Use NOLANGTOLOWER (CLI and prefs) to tell FlexCat
- to not to lowercase the name (but remember to keep
- it lowercased manually!).
- FlexCat now uses buffered IO operations.
- That may increase the overall speed of FlexCat,
- however it's not the must, so you can use
- NOBUFFEREDIO switch to fall back to previous
- poll mode. Please test the overall performance,
- and tell me the results. The IO buffer is now
- 2048 bytes large.
- While creating new #?.ct file FlexCat puts contents
- of Language system variable if possible as the
- #langauge argument.
- Fixed bug causing random memory writes under
- some, but very rare, circumstances.
- ARexx.sd source descriptor added thanks to
- Kai Norhausen <kn@tribal.line.org>
- Users' stuff added. Look at the contents of
- the "Contribution" drawer!
- Renumbered the version of catalog files. Most
- recent catalog version is 2.0. Older and outdated
- are 1.x.
- French catalog updated. Thanks to Julien `GiZmO' Wilk
- <wilkj@esiee.fr>
- Finnish translation updated by Mika Lundell
- <c71829@uwasa.fi>
- Nederlans translation by Leon Woestenberg
- <leon@stack.nl>
- Norsk translation thanks to Eivind Olsen
- <eivindo@bgnett.no>
- Italian catalog updated by Luca Nora
- <ln546991@silab.dsi.unimi.it> and Giovanni
- Addabbo <gaddabbo@imar.it>
- Portugese translation updated by Frederico
- Borges <famb@mail.telepac.pt> and
- Alexandre Gabriel <chryse@mail.telepac.pt>
- The new spanish translation by Marcos Broc
- <amiga187@arrakis.es> and Samuel Aguilera
- <slyguy@mx2.redestb.es>
- Croatian translation by Mladen Ili¹inoviæ
- <milisino@jagor.srce.hr>
- * V1.9 (01.08.97) - Now you can use special $TODAY attribute
- in your $VER string. While creating catalog,
- $TODAY will be replaced by current date (note,
- only 1st occurance will be processed). If you
- want your version strings to always be recent
- dated type: $VER: FlexCat.catalog 3.0 ($TODAY)
- NOTE: This string is CASESENSITIVE!
- FlexCat preferences added. To define your own
- defaults, set the environmental variable
- "flexcat.prefs" with the contents matching
- following template: "SDDIR/K,MSG_NEW/K,
- QUIET/S". Note FlexCat is using ReadArgs()
- to parse the preferences, thus place all the
- items in one line.
- If you use FlexCat for #?.ct updating, you
- probably were missing any additional markers
- to let you easily find the new strings. Now
- you get them. By default the "***NEW***",
- is used, but you may configure it using
- FlexCat preferences.
- QUIET switch used to suppress error messages.
- Fixed.
- New C source descriptor Cat2h_?.sd. Read
- the manual or Lib/Cat2h.readme for more
- information.
- Version of updated catalogs bumped to 2.5
- Portugese translation of program catalog, thanks
- to Frederico Borges <famb@mail.telepac.pt> and
- Alexandre Gabriel <chryse@mail.telepac.pt>
- Swedish translation of FlexCat manual,
- thanks to Magnus Holmgren <lear@algonet.se>
- Spanish translation reworked by
- Marcos Broc <amiga187@arrakis.es> and
- Samuel Aguilera <slyguy92@arrakis.es>
- Now FlexCat does DisplayBeep() when any error
- or warning happen (but don't worry, it's smart
- enough, so you won't experience any Beep() bombing ;).
- By using NOBEEP switch you can shut it up.
- Previous releases had problems with comment lines
- ending with \'s, which made FlexCat think it's multiline
- string. Now it is not as dumb to get fooled any longer.
- You can now use octal, decimal and hexadecimal
- (e.g 0x20) digits for all FlexCat digital arguments
- (like ##version) as well as for (ID/MIN/MAX),
- ##codeset and others.
- FLUSH switch added. By using it all unused
- catalogs (but also libraries, fonts, devices etc) will
- be flushed from memory, whenever new catalog is
- written. So note: FLUSH works only with CATALOG switch
- (it means while compiling new catalog).
- New C source descriptors: catcomp_h.sd creates
- source (almost) identical to CatComp's ones, but
- expanded for multicatalog support. With this
- descriptor you can handle more than one catalog
- in your program harmless. NOTE: for compatibility
- reasons, other descriptors remain unchanged (however
- additional, multicatalog versions may appear
- in next release).
- FlexCat does not accept empty ##language argument
- any longer.
- FILL switch. This feature is highly useful for the
- translators, and probably for them only. Normally,
- when you're working on the new translation, some
- of the strings remains untranslated due the work
- is just in progress. Unfortunately all catalog
- tools write all these empty strings into the catalog
- file, which will cause empty buttons, menus or simmilar
- things to appear whenever you check your unfinished
- translation with the program, which isn't nice effect.
- Using FILL you may force FlexCat to ignore all empty
- translations (strings from #?.ct file) and instead
- to write original string (from #?.cd) to the catalog.
- That prevents you from watching empty GUI etc.
- NOTE: this option is only for testing purposes.
- Final catalogs should always be created without FILL
- switch used!
- English manual is now up-to-date.
- Added %a, %t and %z operands for source
- descriptors. See (probably english and
- swedish only, for now) manual for detailed
- information
- * V1.8 (17.02.97) - Fixed bug causing bad octal digits
- handling. Now FlexCat differs \0333
- from \333 and treats it as [ESC][3].
- It will also correctly handle octal
- numbers shorter than 3 digis, e.g. \33
- will be taken as \033.
- Be careful as \333 will not be taken
- as [ESC][3] as it's valid single octal
- number!
- NOOPTIM switch added
- Now FlexCat is able to handle and parse
- texts like "This is a test\\" without
- any problems, which previously drive
- such strings to be badly taken as multiline
- text (due to trailing '\'). Now FlexCat
- is smart enough (CatComp is still not ;-)
- to fight with it.
- Added support for string IDs incrementors
- defined as (+VALUE//).
- Now allows you to create CT file even
- CD contains neither ##version nor ##rcsid
- In that case creates default header as
- CatComp does. (the "Missing catalog
- translation version... " message should
- now be read as warning not as error message).
- QUIET switch added
- Additional catalogs by members of
- Amiga Translators' Organization
- <http://ato.vapor.com/ato>:
- - Serbian catalog file by Ljubomir Jankovic
- <lurch@afrodita.rcub.bg.ac.yu>
- - Czech translation by Vit Sindlar
- <xsindl00@stud.fee.vutbr.cz>
- - Svedish translation by Magnus Holmgren
- <lear@algonet.se> and Hjalmar Wikholm
- <hjalle@canit.se>
- - Finnish translation updated by Mika Lundell
- <c71829@uwasa.fi>
- - Italian translation reworked by Luca Nora
- <ln546991@silab.dsi.unimi.it> and
- Giovanni Addabbo <gaddabbo@imar.net>
- * V1.7 Added "#rcsid" and "#name".
- Fixed 2 Enforcer hits, which appeared,
- if the ct file had gaps.
- * V1.6 Removed GetString() calls due to the new
- C source descriptions.
- * V1.5 Added WARNCTGAPS option.
- Added #chunk to catalog translations.
- * V1.4 Added the Environment variable FLEXCAT_SDDIR.
- Uses AutoC_c.sd and AutoC_h.sd now and is thus
- compilable by Dice and SAS/C only.
- Fixed a problem in stringtype Oberon:
- Binary characters should be like \000 and
- not \0.
- Fixed a problem in stringtype E:
- \e was written as \033.
- Added %f* (source description filename) and %o*
- (source filename) to source descriptions.
- * V1.3 Fixed a bug that caused FlexCat to hang if a
- catalog translation was updated and a string
- was missing in the catalog description.
- Fixed a bug that caused FlexCat to create
- invalid catalogs probably. (Seems like the
- locale.library expects a completely different
- behaviour in padding version and language
- strings and the real catalog strings.)
- Added %e to source descriptions.
- * V1.2 Fixed a bug in the E source generator: " was
- converted into \" and ' was not converted.
- * V1.1 Fixed two bugs: FlexCat didn't notice, if an
- ID was defined twice (C-Compiler did later.) and
- using language strings like français did not work
- because of the the accented char. Introduced E
- support. (Thanks Lionel Vintenat)
- * V1.01 Fixed a bug: The length of the source string
- was used to check for the stringlen instead of
- the real stringlen.
- * v1.0 (31.06.93) - initial release